60-80 beats per minute. but someone who does a lot of physical exercise can have one as low as 45bpm
What heart rate should a healthy heart beat at for a 35 year old who doesnt smoke?
50-80 bpm.
What heart rate should a healthy heart beat at for a 35 year old who doesnt smoke?
resting heart rate (rhr) should be between 60 - 80 beats per minute.
What heart rate should a healthy heart beat at for a 35 year old who doesnt smoke?
My resting heart rate is 40 bpm, and I get very sleepy, it has been like that for years and I do not consider it dangerous.
What heart rate should a healthy heart beat at for a 35 year old who doesnt smoke?
60 - 80 (average 70). You heart rate tends to be slower when you are more fit. Athletes sometimes have heart rates as low as 40 bpm.
What heart rate should a healthy heart beat at for a 35 year old who doesnt smoke?
72 beats a minute is the normal rate. BP should be 120/80.
What heart rate should a healthy heart beat at for a 35 year old who doesnt smoke?
wel this is a vry vague questn.normal range is 60-80.average of 72.but for an athelete it cud be as low as 40b/m.durin exercise it can go upto 150b/m and can reach a max of 240-250b/m b4 bursting.
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