Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

The force or pressure exerted by the heart in pumping blood the pressure of blood in the arteries or the output of muscle contraction in the heart, creating a recurrent pattern is what blood pressure is. The heart rate is the number of times the heart beats or contracts in one minute. This is how they are related together.

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

faster the blood go, the faster the heart will beat

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

Hi i hope i can help with this question. Heart rate and blood pressure are related because when your heart pumps it is sending blood throughout your body so you can say it is a main organ to keep you alive. This is related to blood pressure because the faster the heart beats the more blood travels through your body in which this is why when the doctor take your blood pressure he can tell if it is high or low. I recently have been diagnosed with a heart problem and the doctor had put me on this medication in which it is to control my heart beat and the blood pressure. If my heart beats to fast this medicine kicks in and slows it down maintaining my blood pressure at a normal level. I hope this helps you

This is how i understand it to be and i can say i may be totally wrong.

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

to let you know how fast your heart is beating at a resting and working point (blood pressure. Your heart rate can either be fast or slow

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

The heart is the pump which pumps the blood around the body, the blood pressure is the flow rate of the blood in the body.

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

not quite sure, but the heart rate is the numbers of beats per minute of the heart, and blood pressure rates can be read differently depending on how good the blood vessels are in the patient. Clogged arteries will cause a slow down of the volume of blood flow, but cause an increase in pressure, not clear if the same principle applies to the blood on the venous side of the heart on the return.

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

heart distributes blood to all part of body. if heart rate increases, the more blood is supplied. because the blood%26#039;s flow is faster, the pressure is getting bigger...

like if you water the plant with water tap, if the volume is minimized, you can hold the water. but if the volume is maximized, yo can feel strong pressure of water, the water wants to go out, but the volume of tube is same [volume o water is bigger and bigger]...

thet%26#039;s is the sae condition if heart rate is increased.

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

Heart rate measures speed of pumping blood through blood vessels and blood pressure measures how hard the heart is working to move the blood

How heart rate and blood pressure are related.?

Rate of pumping. In the circulatory system, this rate is called heart rate, the rate at which blood (the fluid) is pumped by the heart. The higher the heart rate, the higher (potentially, assuming no change in stroke volume) the blood pressure.

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