my heart has been beating very hard (28yo female) for over a week for no reason, it never stops beating hard and sometimes feels like a bad pressure in my chest. I am having a mamogram for a lump in my breast and some swollen lymph nodes that I should have had checked months ago....where could it have spread that would bother my heart?
If I had cancer (with no other B symptoms - just swollen lymphnodes) would or could it affect my heart rate?
depends, which lymphnodes are swollen, armpit lymphs or lymphs superior to the breast. you don%26#039;t have any of the other symptoms of cancer, so I wouldn%26#039;t be too worried. as for your increase heart rate, wollen lymphs will not affect your heart rate, its problably stress, try mediatation.
and for the pressure in your chest, try some tums.
If I had cancer (with no other B symptoms - just swollen lymphnodes) would or could it affect my heart rate?
chill out you may not have cancer and what you hve described is anxiety.that will make your heart beat faster just worrying about if you have it so just try to do something to take your mind off your problem.
If I had cancer (with no other B symptoms - just swollen lymphnodes) would or could it affect my heart rate?
I agree with the others, it sounds like anxiety. I know it isn%26#039;t easy, but try not to worry too much until you%26#039;ve been examined. Don%26#039;t waste too much energy on worrying, focus on making sure you are well.
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