Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can eating a salty meal increase your heart rate? Create palpitations?

My heart races, it seems to happen after I eat as well.....

Can eating a salty meal increase your heart rate? Create palpitations?

salt contain of natrium which have to retention the water in your body,,, in so much increase volume weighty of heart.

palpitations is mechanisme compensation your heart for adequate cardiac output.

Can eating a salty meal increase your heart rate? Create palpitations?

The link between high salt intake and blood pressure has never been proved. Some recent studies indicate there is no link at all.

It is more likely you ate something with lots of MSG in it, like chinese food. That definitely can make your heart race.

Can eating a salty meal increase your heart rate? Create palpitations?

It might be sugar in your meal. Monitor what you eat and how you feel afterward.

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